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K. Minutes - June 2, 2010, Approved
JUNE 2, 2010
A meeting of the Salem Historical Commission was held on Wednesday, June 2, 2010 at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Ms. Diozzi, Ms. Herbert, Ms. Harper, Mr. Hart,  Ms. McCrea and Ms. Bellin.

31 Warren Street

Matthew Murphy and Sarah Morrill submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to construct a one-story, wood, glass enclosed, 4 season porch addition of the rear of the house with all materials, profiles, details to match existing porticos.  Materials include columns, entablature, frieze and paneling below windows.  Winds and doors to be wood, true divided lights (JB Sash, Simpson door).  Cooper roof with  low slope, white aluminum gutter and wood beadboard ceiling at entry with fir decking.  All parts to be painted white.  Hardware to match existing.  New copper snow fence at existing edge line.  Present was Dan Ricciarelli, designer.  Drawings and photographs were provided.

Mr. Murphy stated they moved to Salem in 1999 and purchased the house from the Stephen Phillips Trust.  The house was designed by Wayne Rantoul, which are 3 semi-detached English style row houses.  The unit had a deck on the back when they purchased it, but it was already in decay from the day they bought it.  They have tried to keep it up, but it is almost unusable now.  He stated that the house is townhouse, so there is not as much utility on the first floor as they would like and that a mud room would take some stuff out of the kitchen.  He stated that the proposed design would complement the existing structure and is in keeping with surrounding structures with similar additions.  They tried to be similar to the Smith’s on Pickering Street.  He noted that they don’t want it too big, which would encroach on their neighbors and plan to stay pretty much within the existing footprint of the existing deck, although they will be using some of the existing walkway for the new stairs.

Mr. Ricciarelli stated that they had survey done and that the surveyor gave them an envelope to build within.  They looked at the existing porticos which are very important features of the house.  The new design will incorporate entablature, frieze and Tuscan columns within the new structure.  They will remove the new canopy.  They will wrap the column and cornice around.  The columns will be brought down to the ground and there will be false panels that lift up for storage.  They will use Brosco true divided light windows.  The columns will be cut into almost semicircles.  The nice brick belt coursing will help tie everything together.  They will also add a copper, 3 rail snow fence.  They will be using white aluminum gutter on the new porch.  He noted that they could use copper, but it would not be same color.

Mr. Hart asked if there will be a hand railing

Mr. Ricciarelli replied that there is a handrail on one side and the other side they will wrap the stairs around and avoid a rail so there are risers in two directions and so they can walk off onto Flint Street.

Ms. Herbert asked if the porch will be heated.

Mr. Ricciarelli replied in the affirmative.

Mr. Murphy stated that the neighbors were supportive of the application.

Mr. Hart noted that they are using single glaze glass and asked if they will be using storms.

Mr. Ricciarelli stated that they would have to come back if they decide to go with double glaze windows.  

Mr. Murphy stated that, financially, they will stick with what is proposed and check with the builder for the overall cost, before applying for double glaze.

Ms. Herbert asked the proposed construction start.

Mr. Murphy stated that they will start as soon as possible.

Ms. Bellin asked if the snow guard is only on his side of the condo.

Mr. Murphy replied in the affirmative and stated that he has told the other owners that it is not that expensive and he suggests they also install one.

Mr. Hart made a motion to approve the application as submitted.  

Ms. Herbert asked the detail on the handrail.

Mr. Ricciarelli stated that it will match the existing handrail.

Mr. Hart amended his motion to include that the handrail match the handrail on the east elevation.  Ms. Herbert seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

91 & 93 Federal Street

Arlander Realty Trust, Jean Colby Arlander, Trustee, submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness  to replace the second floor window over the front side-entrance door with a double hung 12 over 12 window (the existing is 2 over 2, 34” w by 60” long), replace the front 3rd floor ell window with a 6 over 6 window (existing is 2 over 2, 31” w x 53” long, double hung), replace the 3rd floor aluminum storm windows on the front of the house with new white coated aluminum storm windows and replace the top two wooden panels of the front door with antique glass to allow for natural light into the McIntire front hall.  The existing door was made around 1980, replacing a door with two glass panels.  Jane Arlander represented the applicant.

Ms. Arlander stated that the house was built in 1768 and that around 1980 they had all front windows on the main structure of the house redone with 12 over 12 handmade windows, with dimensions taken from the Elias Hasket Derby house.  She stated that the house has an ell and a little entryway into the ell.  There is a Victorian period window that has some rot for which they want to replace with a 12 over 12 to match the rest of the windows, and they are hoping not to need to replace the frame.  The window will be handmade single glaze with a storm.  She stated that she is the 8th generation to live there and each generation has done something to bring it up to the current times.  The third floor window on the front of house is to be 6 over 6 to match the first floor, so that all of ell is 6 over 6.  They want to replace two wood panels of the front door with antique glass.  The door was hand made, but unfortunately blocks all light in.  She noted that the hallway was built by Joseph McIntire, who was Samuel McIntire’s father.  Her mother was always disappointed that there is no natural light, which was lost when additions to the building stopped light from coming in through the arched window originally to the garden.  The panels are the top two and they are hoping to have Alpine Woodworking remove the molding and put in the glass and put the molding back.  They will save the wooden panels in case they do not like the glass.  Restoration Glass has full restoration glass and a light restoration glass.  They are proposing full restoration, which is mouth blown.  She noted that they are the company that makes glass for the White House.  They will get laminated glass, which is safety glass,  5/16” thickness.  She stated that she is aware the door is a great door for a real purest.  She noted that across street is a 1770 house which has 2 panels, as is 100 Federal and a house on River Street.  She noted that they have no transom or sidelites.  The Forrester House on Derby Street has 2 glass panels, as does the Narbonne House.  

Ms. Herbert stated that she was glad that they are proposing just replacing the two small panels on the top with windows.

Ms. Arlander stated that they will reuse the door panel moldings for the glass.

Ms. Harper stated that for the windows on the front, it appears the owner is replacing the windows on an as needed basis, because they still will have some 2 over 2s remaining.

Ms. Arlander stated that there are no other 2 over 2s on house except for the one ell.  There is 2 over 2 in bathroom which is not old and she is not sure why the configuration was not changed at the time the window was replaced.

Ms. Herbert made a motion to approve the application as submitted.  Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

25/30/40 Colonial road

Univar, USA submitted an application to waive the Demolition Delay Ordinance to demolish Building E, estimated to be 70 years old.  Jack Wattu represented the applicant.

Mr. Wattu stated that the building hasn’t been used in the last 10 years for anything but storage.  It is in poor condition and has no architectural features.  

Ms. Diozzi asked what does Univar do.

Mr. Wattu stated that Univar is a chemical distribution company.   He drew on the site plan the building that would be removed.

Mr. Hart asked if any buildings will be remaining.

Mr. Wattu stated that several on site will remain, including an office building and warehouse.  He noted that none of the buildings can be seen from Jefferson Avenue.

Ms. McCrea made a motion to approve the application as submitted.  Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

104 Federal Street

Mr. Hart recused himself in his role as a Commission member and presented this application.

David Hart and Barbara Cleary submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to remove the existing snow guard at the Federal Street façade (south and east elevations) and to patch the mounting holes with slate to match existing.

Mr. Hart stated that it is an iron 3 rail fence that is attached with fake slates screwed into the roof boards and that it has been there over 26 years.  He stated that they are getting leaks and that Kevin Kidney has stated that it cannot be repaired.  He noted it is a fairly low sloped roof.  He stated that if they have some snow sliding off, they will have to come back to install a new one.

Ms. McCrea made a motion to approve the application as submitted.  Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Other Business

  • 320 Lafayette Street – Telecommunications Installation
Ms. Guy stated that EBI Consulting responded to the Commission’s request for a photo simulation for the Clearwire Corporation installation.

Ms. Guy stated that MetroPCS contacted her and requested a letter from the Commission expressing its concerns over their installation.  Ms. Guy stated that she sent the letter on May 25, 2010.

Ms. Guy will issue a letter using the same comments that were in the MetroPCS letter dated 5/22/08.

  • Minutes
Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the minutes of April 7, 2010.   Ms. Herbert seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the minutes of May 19, 2010.   Ms. Herbert seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

  • Spring Pond
Ms. Guy stated that she has received an additional 3 emails (all from out of state) regarding the Walmart/Lowes project near Spring Pond.

  • 31 Chestnut Street
Mr. Hart stated that a neighbor complained about the repointing being done and that he had a site visit with the owner and the mason sent an email with mix he is using.  Mr. Hart noted that the mix was surprisingly good.  He stated that the mortar will all be uniform on the side with the peak and that the up close joints are done properly.  He asked the owner how the mortar will be cleaned when all done and the owner will ask the mason.  Mr. Hart will suggest the chemicals to use.  He stated that as far as he could see, it is very good job.

  • 177 Federal Street
Ms. Guy stated that the owner came in to inform her that his contractor installed an architectural roof instead of a 3-tab roof.  She stated that she asked Mr. Hart to take a look at the roof.

Mr. Hart stated that the roof does not appear to jump out at you from the street.

Ms. Guy stated that while she is not opposed to architectural roofs, she is concerned that homeowners will install them with the opinion that it is easier to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission.

Ms. Bellin made a motion to find the roof in violation and to request that the owner replace it within 30 days or have them come in with application.  Mr. Hart seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

There being no further business, Ms. McCrea made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Hart seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy
Clerk of the Commission